Monday, June 16, 2014

Second week & a nice Father's day on crutches

I had a great Father's Day yesterday.  My wife and kids took on the task of cleaning out the garage, which had become piled up with e-waste, miscellaneous junk, making it difficult / impossible  to safely access and use the chin up /leg up station given my crutches;  the plus floor mat that I'd set up  a few years ago had become covered with junk.  So I found myself crutching around trying to help, while my wife &  the kids were putting tools away, sweeping up and hauling out.
After lunch I zonked out, had to take a nap.  Then back out for more garage fun in the afternoon.
It was fabulous. Once it was cleared I got on the chin up bar and did a couple sets -  could only do 15 versus my normal 20;  and did a couple sets of leg-ups.  I tired easily.  I spent a lot of the day outside  which did wonders for my mood relative to sitting lazy-boy-chair bound, indoors.

 Come 9:00, after a dinner out, I was completely whipped and went to sleep.

I had a hard time staying asleep however as my leg just ached all night, particularly along the IT band and the front of the hip.  I think I'd better take it easy today.

Last week I progressively got better sleep, but sleep has still been an issue.  When I got home from the hospital I was typically up every 1-2 hours to pee and was extremely uncomfortable;  by the end of the second week I could sleep 5-6 hours which did wonders for my sanity.

The goal now is to get into an upper body/core strength regimen that doesn't stress the hip;  and to continue and extend the isometric exercises I've been doing to maintain muscle tone on the injured leg.  As the pain settles and hope I can sleep more and make it through the day without napping-  ultimately  I hope to dump the vicodin and then get back to work.

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